Sunday, March 14, 2010


Wellesley Booksmith is one of the best book stores I have ever been in. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly, the selection great, and if there is something they do not have, they will get it for you. When I went to pick up the donation they gave us for the Bee, I spent an hour there browsing the shelves and stocking my arms with books, cards and other things I just had to have (including some of the superlative prizes for the Bee). In addition to being a great shop, they are also long-time supporters of the Dover Library - whether doing the book sales at author's nights, or in this case, making a donation to a fundraiser. This year, they donated a $25 gift certificate and reusable tote bag to the Bee Tree. Thanks to Wellesley Booksmith for believing - and supporting - reading.

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