Thursday, March 11, 2010

Study Night

We Bee folk would devolve into insanity if we did not constantly offer you something new and different. So, having finished ironing your future Bee-shirts, we now turn our attentions to a Study Night at the Dover Legion. This is for people over 21 only! Come between 8--9 next Thursday (the 18th) and ask questions. We'll have the dictionary, and, thanks to Tom Dixon, a wifi card that should connect the laptop with any word you desire. (Should my laptop fail to connect, I will have pad and paper on hand--we'll record your questions and your e-mail, and will publish the answer here.)

Bring your questions! Bring your money! You will want to buy yourself a beer--the Dover Legion has frozen glasses, and the BEST tap in town (I say this even though it is somewhat heretical to compare any beer-imbibing event with the Library's Oktoberfest).  Moreover, you will want to buy a Mulligan, to preserve your chances for dominating the '10 DTL Bee.

Besides that, it ought to be a fun night. And after an entire season (or, in my case, a year) of preparation, don't we all deserve a little bit of fun?

If you know you are going to attend, shoot us an email at, or append your reply to this post. We want to know how many glasses to chill....

Thanks to our friends at Dover Legion for their help in making this possible.

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