Wednesday, February 24, 2010

That's STATIONERY, not stationary...

This year the word list features a section called "The Elements of Style", named for William Strunk, junior's 1918 classic.  You might glance at this section and dismiss it as being full of easy words, but look more closely--this is where I hid all the homophones that trip up the casual speller.  You will find complement as well as compliment, and stationery and stationary.  You had better know the difference, if you want to win!

Now that I have gotten your attention and raised your anxiety level, let me pay a compliment (or several) to our friends at Taylor's Stationery on Highland Avenue in Needham.  I am a die-hard stationery and fountain pen snob, and Taylor's is best place around for these two of my favorite obsessions.  They carry a number of quality stationery lines, including Vera Bradley and Crane's, and they know how to run a good sale. (They are running a special on Crane's right now: purchase 100 pieces or more of engraved or letterpress stationery sets from the selection shown and receive free dies, or purchase 100 pieces or more of thermographed or flat printed stationery sets and receive the printed address on the envelope free.  You're going to save between $58 and $96 on your purchase, which makes it extremely hard to justify NOT placing an order.  Especially if you go the engraving route: free dies will make your next order even less expensive.)  They also have a terrific selection of "nifty gifties" for every occasion, and a clever and well-curated collection of greeting cards.  I would tip you off to their excellent holiday cards (and the fact that they sometimes publish sale coupons for them in the Dover-Sherborn Press), but Taylor's made my family Christmas card photo look so good last year that I don't want to give away that, never mind.   

One tidbit I will share with you is Taylor Stationery's generosity to the Bee Tree.  The last time I went by, they had an envelope for the Bee containing a $50 gift card.  Pluck that off the Tree and you are well on your way to something fabulous.  (But go early--I know of three people already who are scheming to buy that Word Bee and reap the benefits!)

I could (and do) spend hours getting lost in Taylor's--the more you look, the more you find.  I suppose that means that stationery can make one stationary... Go, find out for yourself. And while you are there, thank Jack and his helpful team for their support of your Library.

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